This workshop brings together researchers and engineers from academia and industry to discuss ideas and techniques for practical verifiable database systems. The recent success of blockchains offers exciting opportunities, which have led to several commercial systems such as Amazon QLDB, Alibaba’s LedgerDB, and Azure SQLLedger. At the same time, the low performance of existing blockchains presents a major challenge in designing a secure and efficient system. We hope this workshop will identify new abstractions, systems, challenges, and solutions that improve state-of-the-art verifiable database systems.
The topics of interest include, but not restricted to, the following:
- Hybrid database-blockchain systems
- Evaluation, benchmarking of verifiable database systems
- Blockchain designs and systems
- Database verifiability
- Transparency-based systems and techniques
- Verifiable primitives
- Novel use cases for verifiable database systems
- Database techniques for blockchains
- Dataset and real workloads for verifiable database systems
- Vision of new challenges or solutions related to verifiable database systems
Important dates
Paper submission:
24th March 2023, 23:59pm AoE31st March 2023, 23:39pm AoE (extended) -
Notification: 28th April 2023, 23:59pm AoE
Camera-ready submission: 12th May 2023, 23:59pm AoE
Workshop date: 23th June 2023 (Friday)
Submission instructions
The submission link is:
We seek unpublished work that are not currently under reviewed at another venue. The submission is formatted with the 2-column ACM Proceedings format, using the sample-sigconf.tex format (available at
The maximum length is 8 pages, excluding references. All submissions are single blind.
All accepted papers will be published in ACM ICPS, and made available online via the ACM Digital library.